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10 Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2020
From social content to advertising and automation, we’ve outlined ten key marketing trends you should pay attention to in 2020 and what they could mean for your company.
Live video is a fun and compelling way to tell your brand’s story while engaging audiences in real time. Learn how to create a live video on both Facebook and Instagram and discover best practices for each platform.
Before you hire a freelancer, check out our list of pros and cons to help you decide whether a freelancer is the best choice for your project and business.
Inbound marketing helps drive new traffic to your site. But what do you do with all of the available data beyond what Google Analytics can provide? Explore the power of marketing automation platforms, what they offer, and how they can help increase leads and sales.
Telling someone about your brand and serving them an ad to convert isn’t always a fool-proof strategy. In this blog, we provide 6 ways your brand can stand out with remarketing in the digital age.
LinkedIn can be used for more than listing job openings. Find out how to optimize your brand’s LinkedIn presence to grow your visibility and establish industry expertise.
Instagram and Facebook Stories may only last 24 hours, but they are great for driving engagement and increasing visibility for your brand. Learn how you can leverage stories as a marketing tool, discover best practices for each platform, and get a few sample post ideas.
Looking to reach new audiences and expand your business on Facebook and Instagram? Meld's Digital Strategist explains why you should be using lookalike audiences and how to start creating them.
Inbound marketing (or content marketing) attracts customers to your business by providing valuable and relevant information and insights. In this vlog and blog, two of our Meld team members discuss key highlights from our community education workshop about inbound marketing.
Are you creating a long-term strategic plan or marketing plan this year? We explain the differences between them, which plan should come first, and how an outside facilitator can help you maximize your efforts.
Are you looking for a low cost way to increase your brand’s social media interaction and following? A Facebook giveaway or contest might be the answer. Learn more as we discuss how to prepare for and execute a Facebook giveaway.
Change is all around us. No one knows this better than a leader tasked with executing a new change initiative for a company or organization. In this blog, we share some key steps and tips on how to embed change in your organization.
Iowa's Targeted Small Business program is for small businesses that are owned and managed by women, individuals with disabilities, individuals with minority status, or service-disabled veterans. Meld CEO and Founder Melinda Pradarelli sat down with Jill Lippincott from Iowa Economic Development Authority to discuss the program and the ways it can help small businesses succeed.
Tired of scrambling to create good content for your organization? A content calendar might be just what you need to get organized and be more strategic. Amanda Tower, our senior creative content specialist, shares five ways a planning calendar can help make your content marketing easier.
What exactly does a digital agency do, and how is it different from a marketing agency or a creative agency? In this blog, we explore the differences, benefits, and limitations of different types of agencies.
Looking to promote your brand and company culture? Branded environments can be a great place to start. Meld sat down with representatives from Tallgrass Business Resources to learn more.
Hashtags make public posts more accessible to online communities and help categorize posts with similar content. In this blog, we discuss the importance of hashtags and share best practices on how and when to use them.
Non-profit organizations have limited resources and staff to operate their programs, and marketing is often lower on the priority list. In this blog post, we discuss 15 simple things organizations can do to increase awareness, generate participation, and solicit donations from supporters.
Unsure where to start trademarking your business? Get tips from Jason Sytsma at Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, PLC on why your brand needs a trademark and how a trademark can fit into your marketing plan.
There are many benefits to maintaining a consistent brand presence. One of the most important benefits is subliminally establishing trust and reliability with your customers. In this blog, we discuss the ramifications of poor brand alignment and provide suggestions to help keep your brand consistent.